Why is vitamin D important? A quick test will detect a deficiency

Deficiencies of essential vitamins and trace elements don't happen all day long, but it's only when we feel sick that we start looking for the cause. What are the signs and how to detect vitamin D deficiency?

Benefits of vitamin D for the body

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for our body's metabolic processes. It is responsible for the absorption of calcium, which is vital for the structure of healthy bones, teeth and other bone tissues, increases bone mineral density and reduces the risk of falls, and is essential for muscle development. Vitamin D also ensures the absorption of phosphorus. Vitamin D is also essential for the success of the heart and the smooth functioning of the nervous system. It plays an important role in fighting infectious diseases and ensuring the functioning of the immune system.

What are the signs of a possible vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by being overweight or obese, lack of sunlight, overuse of sunscreen, old age (the skin's ability to produce vitamin D decreases with age), infrequent exposure to the outdoors, and inadequate intake of fish or dairy products.

Symptoms that may indicate insufficient vitamin D levels include muscle weakness, chronic pain, anxiety, headaches, difficulty concentrating or focusing, hair loss, fatigue, depression, insomnia, arthritis, osteoporosis or bone fractures. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system, which means frequent colds and flu. Skin problems such as psoriasis and wounds that don't heal for a long time can also be signs of vitamin D deficiency.

It is important to pay attention to the symptoms in time to prevent more serious problems or diseases. Deficiencies in vitamin D are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, a higher risk of certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, a higher risk of diabetes, asthma, and developmental problems in babies and children.

Deficiencies of essential vitamins and trace elements don't happen all day long, but it's only when we feel sick that we start looking for the cause.

How can I identify a possible vitamin D deficiency?

If you think you have a vitamin D deficiency, it is advisable to see your doctor for a blood test. The test is also available as a rapid self-test, which does not require any additional tools or instruments and can be used at home. Results are available in just 10 minutes and the accuracy of the test is greater than 90 %. The results of such a test identify deficiency, insufficiency, sufficiency or excess of vitamin D in the body.

What if you are deficient in vitamin D?

You can get more vitamin D by spending more time in sunlight and eating foods that contain vitamin D. These include: cod liver oil, halibut, halibut, carp, mackerel, mackerel, eel, wild salmon, whitefish, swordfish, rainbow trout, sardines, tuna, caviar, free-range hen eggs, beef liver, raw milk and dairy products, maitake and portobello mushrooms (UV exposed).

Another solution is to take supplements containing vitamin D. Ideally, the dose of vitamin D should be tailored to the individual, based on the results of the blood test. It is therefore a good idea to have your blood tested for vitamin D so that you know how much vitamin D you should take and whether the product you have chosen is working, as it is possible to overdose on vitamin D in certain cases.