Home / Testera tests / 6 drug panel test
The Multiple Drug Rapid Test Panel is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay method for the qualitative detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in human urine. The substances tested are Cocaine (COC), Marijuana (THC), Methamphetamine (MET), Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), Fentanyl (FYL), Mephedrone (MEP).
Results in 5 minutes
Sample - urine
Allow the test, urine sample and/or control samples to reach room temperature (15-30ºC) before testing.
DANGEROUS:* A coloured line appears in the control area (C) and another coloured line appears in the test area (T). This negative result means that the concentrations in the urine sample do not exceed the limit value for the specific test drug.
*NOTE: The shade of the coloured lines in the test area (T) may vary. The result should be considered negative when even a faint line is present.
APPLICABLE: a coloured line appears in the control area (C) and no line in the test area (T). A positive result means that the drug concentration in the urine sample is above the limit value set for that particular drug.
DISABLED: there is no line in the control area (C). The most likely reasons for the failure of the control line are insufficient sample volume or inappropriate procedure techniques. Read the instructions again and repeat the test with a new test. If the result is still invalid, contact the manufacturer.
Informative video
Instruction leaflet