A urine analyser is a semi-quantitative assessment of urine using dry chemical methods. Based on the principle of photoelectric colorimetry, the urine analyser is used to estimate the amount of biochemical components in human urine by the colour change caused by the reaction between a reagent and the biochemical components of the urine. This instrument is intended for laboratories in medical establishments capable of carrying out professional tests.

The analyser can detect up to 14 substances in urine:

  • Calcium (CA)
  • Ascorbic acid (ASC)
  • Glucose (GLU)
  • Bilirubin (BIL)
  • Creatinine (CRE)
  • Ketones (KET)
  • Specific gravity (SG)
  • Blood (BLO)
  • pH Protein (PRO)
  • Urobilinogen (URO)
  • Nitrites (NIT)
  • Leukocytes (LEU)
  • Microalbumin (ALB)


  • Integration with LIS
  • Stability for 8 working hours
  • 2000 records stored in memory
  • Integrated printer
  • Collection container/waste bin for used test strips
  • LCD touchscreen
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