Home / Testera tests / Streptococcus A test
The test is designed to detect Streptococcus A infection. It is used for in vitro diagnostic purposes and is performed under the supervision of a health professional.
Accuracy 97,1 %
Sensitivity 95,1 %
Specificity 97,8 %
Results in 5 minutes.
The sample is a throat swab.
The problem
The main symptoms of Strep A infection are sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, swollen tonsils, red spots and rashes, headache, nausea and vomiting (rare)
APPLICABLE:* two coloured lines appear. One coloured line should appear in the control line area (C) and the other in the test line area (T). A positive result means that streptococcus A has been detected in the sample.
* NOTE: The intensity of the colour in the test line area (T) will vary depending on the concentration of Streptococcus A in the sample. Therefore, any shade in the test line area (T) should be considered a positive result.
DENIED: A single coloured line appears in the control area (C). No line is visible in the test line area (T). A negative result means that streptococcal antigen A is absent from the sample or below the detectable level of the test. A sample from the patient is required to confirm the absence of Streptococcus A infection. If clinical symptoms are not consistent with the results, take another sample for culture.
DISABILITY: the control line does not appear. The most likely reasons for the non-appearance of the reference line are insufficient sample quantity or an incorrect procedure. Revise the procedure and repeat the test with a new test.
APPLICABLE:* two coloured lines appear. One coloured line should appear in the control line area (C) and the other in the test line area (T). A positive result means that streptococcus A has been detected in the sample.
* NOTE: The intensity of the colour in the test line area (T) will vary depending on the concentration of Streptococcus A in the sample. Therefore, any shade in the test line area (T) should be considered a positive result.
DENIED: A single coloured line appears in the control area (C). No line is visible in the test line area (T). A negative result means that streptococcal antigen A is absent from the sample or below the detectable level of the test. A sample from the patient is required to confirm the absence of Streptococcus A infection. If clinical symptoms are not consistent with the results, take another sample for culture.
DISABILITY: the control line does not appear. The most likely reasons for the non-appearance of the reference line are insufficient sample quantity or an incorrect procedure. Revise the procedure and repeat the test with a new test.
Informative video
Instruction leaflet
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